Partners & Associations
University Cooperations
- RWTH Aachen University
- TU Clausthal
- Aachen Unversity of Applied Sciences
- Fachhochschule Nordhausen
- IME, Institut for Process Metallurgy and Metall Recycling, RWTH
Public funding programs
- Central innovation program for medium-sized enterprises ZIM Supported by the Federal Ministry for economics and technology
- Central Association of the electrical Engineering and Electronic Industrie
- Automotive Rheinland
Our Collaboration Partners & Associations in Development
While cooperating with research institutes of several Universities, we work in close collaboration with scientists, so that the state-of-the-art in research & technology is ensured. Within the scope of some ZIM projects, we have not only successfully developed new projects, but have also supported the training of research assistants. We are future-oriented and give a great deal of importance to the training of young staff. While we work together with schools, we also integrate working students from the neighbouring RWTH or FH Aachen Universities at an early phase into our development team.
This training often leads to a bachelor or masters degree coached by us, which in turn opens up the chance of recruiting young engineers at an early stage. The active collaboration with associations, particularly in the ZVEI, enables us to react to new guidelines, standard developments and trends for our product groups Safety & Automation quickly and in a targeted manner.